Special Called Session of the AUMC

Many things are happening on a global scale within the United Methodist Denomination in the year 2020. One of the decisions to be made concerns the alignment of the Alaska Conference and the churches comprising it into the larger polity of the United Methodist Church. Alaska will be losing its status as a Missionary Conference this year and must find a way to integrate into the system that makes sense legislatively and financially. As a result of this need, a special session of the Alaska United Methodist Conference has been called on 22 February 2020.

A complete description of the session and the resource documents can be found at the following link:

The AUMC has arranged for Special Session Information Gatherings to help educate and prepare the voting members and those with interest concerning this topic. UMC Chugiak will have connections available to join these meetings on Zoom (video conferencing) on the date and times listed below for those interested in learning more.

  1. January 29, 2020, 6:30 to 8:30pm – Zoom only
  2. February 1, 2020, 10am to 12noon—St. John UMC, in person and Zoom
  3. February 11, 2020, 6 to 8pm—Zoom only

Please plan for a 2 hour session. The following is a general format of the session:

  • Setting the Stage
  • Historical Note: How we got here
  • Feedback: Sharing of experiences
  • Book of Discipline: What are our options?
  • Rationale: Why it matters now
  • Feedback: Hopes and concerns
  • Timeline: How do we get there?
  • Feedback: Q&A
  • Closing: Word of hope

As we gather, we invite folks to be in covenant with each other with the same principles that we used during our Table Talks, committing to:

  1.  Stay curious. I come with a willingness to learn and commit to staying at the table. When the going gets rough, I will turn to wonder, ask questions and stay engaged.
  2. Be kind. There will be statements shared at the table that will challenge my perspectives. I will be respectful in my responses and engagement, treating each one with grace and love.
  3. Listen with the same amount of passion with which I want to be heard. In the words of St. Francis, I will seek to understand more than to be understood. I also commit to share the air and not dominate the same.