"Let’s not get tired of doing good, because in time we’ll have a harvest if we don’t give up."
~ Galatians 6:9 The Common English Bible ~

Campaign Vision & Goals
We have been blessed to be a blessing to our community for over 70 years. We want to be around "for good." By eliminating debt and tackling deferred maintenance we will be here for the long haul.

Pastoral Letter
Pastor Jim Doepken is the latest in a long line of pastors who have served The United Methodist Church of Chugiak. You can read his call to support the "We're Here for Good" capital campaign.

Ways to Give
Gifts come in all shapes and sizes. Some are big. Some are small. Some are given once. Some are recurring. Some are paper. Some are all electronic. Some aren't even money.
You can Pledge Today
Here you can submit an estimate of giving letting the church know how much you believe you can give to the campaign.
You Can Donate Online Today
While donations can always be mailed to the church office, we also have this online portal for gifts.
What Projects Are We Funding?
Pay off Mortgage -- $86,000
Our mortgage has served us well for over 25 years. It enabled UMCC to go through a large building expansion that has been used for ministry by the church and many user groups. But our payments are keeping us from dreaming of new ministries and programs.
Pay Earthquake Loan -- $125,000
The 2018 earthquake caused substantial damage to our community and to our church. While we received some help from area churches we needed to take out a $125,000 Small Business Association Loan to fix the damage to the front of the church. Paying this off frees us to expand ministry.
Parsonage Roof -- $70,000
Last winter saw water leaking through the 50 year old roof at the parsonage, moving this from “deferred maintenance” to “immediate need.” Since the trusses were not up to code, new trusses had to be built. The project should be done by September 2024.
Church HVAC Replacement -- $219,000
The "controls" of our HVAC (Heating) system are not working properly. Our gym and downstairs classrooms have wide swings in temperature (58° to 83° last winter) making it a challenge to use some portions of our building. We need to replace the controls now and hope to have the old and new portions controlled by the same system. Moreover, our boilers are inefficient (which costs money) and one of them is leaking. It is time for new boilers. This is going to be an expensive replacement.
Maintenance & Emergency Fund -- $????
Is it possible that the roof or HVAC repair end up costing less than expected? Maybe. Is it possible that we'll have a "harvest" beyond what we're asking? Yes. Because of the debt we've been carrying and the maintenance that has been deferred we have not built up a maintenance and emergency fund? Anything left over will go to support the long-term health of our facility, keeping us "Here for Good."
Thank you for your gifts
You are helping us BE HERE FOR GOOD