Author: umcchugiak
Sunday AA Meeting Now at 12:30 PM
We have Alcoholics Anonymous meetings every day at UMCC. We’ve been hosting them for decades. Recently, the Sunday AA meeting has moved to 12:30 pm to make it a little earlier in the day.
Recycle for A Reason Collection & Sale
Collection times — Friday, January 31 (4-8pm) and Saturday, February 1 (10am-3pm), Sale times — Friday, February 7th (10-3) and Saturday, Feb. 8th (10-3)
“Undie Sunday” — February 23
Bras! Panties! Boxers & Briefs! We’re collecting new, unopened underwear for people in need. In October we had SOCKTOBER to collect socks. In February, we’re taking a Sunday to collect other undergarments for those in need. Just bring your new
NEW DATE — United Women in Faith Meeting January 26
CALLING ALL WOMEN! We had to cancel our January 12th meeting due to the wind storm. But we’re meeting this coming Sunday. You are invited to stay after church on Sunday, January 26th for our first meeting of the year
Mortgage Burning on our Church’s Birthday — February 16th
Help us celebrate the paying off of our mortgage on February 16th, which is also the day we’ll celebrate our church’s birthday. We’ll each have an opportunity to burn a copy of our mortgage and we’ll have an indoor picnic
Human Relations Day Offering — Jan. 19, 2025
January 19th is the day of our first United Methodist Special Sunday Offerings of the year (there are six of them). It’s HUMAN RELATIONS DAY. ️ “The Beloved Community” isn’t just a dream—it’s a mission we can live out
Epiphany Worship Series
Epiphany is the season of LIGHT after Christmas. It’s often a time to focus on evangelism, Christian unity, and how we manifest Christ’s love in the world. We’ll spend this season reflecting on the LIGHT OF CHRIST and how we
Pledge Drive for Our 2025 Budget
You can read about our 2025 Campaign and make your pledge HERE. Physical pledge cards will be available at church.
Recycle For a Reason Schedule for 2025
We have our collection and sale dates for all of 2025. CLICK HERE
Youth and Young Adult Led Worship — December 29th
Come join our youth and young adults as they take the lead for worship, sharing scriptures and reflections and even the sermon.