Author: umcchugiak
Latest Newsletter: Memorial Service Saturday / Human Relations Sunday / Looking at 1 Corinthians
Baptism of the Lord Sunday — January 9, 2022
THIS WEEK — BAPTISM OF THE LORD After Christmas it is a whirlwind journey as Jesus grows up and begins ministry in the world. And this week we celebrate the beginning of his ministry, with his baptism. During worship we’ll
So, You Have a “Star Word.” Now What?
This past Sunday, January 2nd, we celebrated Epiphany Sunday. It was a day to remember the coming of the Magi. It was a day to remember that Christ is manifested to all the nations. It was a day to kick
Find Our Online Worship On Facebook Live This Sunday (Dec. 19)
Our online worship coordinator will be away for two weeks on vacation. While we will eventually have enough trained helpers to manage in his absence, we’re not there yet. So, for the last two weeks of Advent you can find
To Give to Tornado Relief
You can give through THE UNITED METHODIST COMMITTEE ON RELIEF US DISASTER RESPONSE & RECOVERY. It’s an “Advance Special Project” you find HERE. You can even give “credit” to our church as you give to UMCOR.
Newsletter for December 16, 2021
Read all about it RIGHT HERE. Advent. Christmas Eve. Bonfire. Caroling. COFFEE WITH PASTOR. NEED MASKS. DECORATING.
Looking to Sunday — Latest News (Remember, Worship on Facebook)
REALLY IMPORTANT — WORSHIP IS ON FACEBOOK LIVE AT 10:15 AM THIS SUNDAY AND NEXT — HERE IS THE LINK. This is because our main tech person is on vacation for a couple of weeks and we are still learning how
Newsletter for December 9, 2021
Read all about it RIGHT HERE. Advent. Christmas Eve. Bonfire. Caroling. New book study.
Problem with Church Email Newsletter — Check Your Spam Folder
Apparently several of our members/friends have had our church email newsletters go to their SPAM or PROMOTIONS folders since October. And, according to two other churches, it’s not unique to UMCC. Please check your SPAM or PROMOTIONS folders for our
Annual CCS Family Christmas Basket Project
UMCC Missions Committee is again coordinating gift baskets for our CCS families. This is a great way for our church to minister to a whole lot of families during this season. You can use THIS LINK to sign up to