Author: umcchugiak
Nome Mission Trip — Summer 2022 — Installing Flooring
We have been talking about a Nome Mission Trip for a couple of months. Well, Nome Community United Methodist Church reached out to us Wednesday evening with a potential job for a mission team and your Charge Conference approved going
Virtual Charge Conference — December 1, 2021 — 7 PM (INFORMATION PACKET DOWNLOAD)
Join the leadership of The United Methodist Church of Chugiak and our Superintendent, Carlo Rapanut, as we hold our one, big administrative meeting of the year. This is where we approve reports from our Finance Committee and Trustees. It’s where
Advent Worship Guide for Home
This year, for Advent, we are exploring the themes of Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love. And to help us, we have an Advent Worship Guide For the Home. This resource gives you a small Sunday service to have in your
“An Advent Adventure”
ADVENT BEGINS NOV. 28. This Advent we’re on an “Advent Adventure,” journeying through the traditional Advent themes of Hope, Peace, Joy, & Love. Here’s what we have going on: Advent Candle Lighting in Worship Each Sunday led by representatives of
2021 Narrative Budget
While regular budgets have “line items” and rows and rows of numbers, a NARRATIVE BUDGET tries to show how the budget does the work of the church. It moves from line items to areas of ministry to show how your
After 20 Years, UMCC Retired It’s “Lamp of Safety”
On Sunday, November 7th — the same Sunday we remembered “All Saints” and our Veterans — The United Methodist Church of Chugiak retired it’s “Lamp of Safety.” This was a kerosene lamp that we had lit at the start of
Financial Planning Worksheet
The “Defying Gravity” series examines the generous life, what it is, and why it can be so hard to experience. Many of us want to experience the significance of blessing others but feel trapped by past decisions and a society
New Monday Online Study — Begins Nov. 8 (for 7 sessions)
A search for purpose and meaning in the events and choices of our lives. A costly journey with an unknown destination. A Middle Eastern homeless man from twenty centuries ago and why he still stirs the souls and imagination of
Defying Gravity Begins Oct. 31 (and how to access the videos)
Hello Church, This month we are celebrating a churchwide stewardship program called “Defying Gravity.” Over a four-week period we’ll examine the generous life—what it is and why it can be hard to experience. As we look at the topic of