A Word from the Pastor

Good Afternoon, I pray you and your family are well. What a week this has been! As a nation, as a state, as a community, and as a church we have taken many unprecedented measures this week in an effort

A March Message from the Pastor

Hello Everyone, This Sunday was a first for me, as I am sure it was for many of you, as we hosted our first virtual worship service from the UMC of Chugiak. It struck me as I waited in the

Our Church’s Financial Health

At our Church Council meeting on January 19, 2020 we discussed the financial health of our church as we start the new year. We should rejoice and be thankful that we received over $30,000 in donations (including $20,000 from St.

Special Called Session of the AUMC

Many things are happening on a global scale within the United Methodist Denomination in the year 2020. One of the decisions to be made concerns the alignment of the Alaska Conference and the churches comprising it into the larger polity

Prayer Warrior Team

UMC of Chugiak has established a Prayer Team. We met for the first time on Wednesday, January 22, 2020. It was a wonderful meeting filled with faith, anticipation, and the desire to pray for the people of our church, our

Bible Study Returns for 2020

On February 5 at 6:30 PM we will begin a 12-week study on the Gospel of John. We’ll be using “The Gospel of John: Finding Identity and Purpose,” a study that covers 12 passages from the book of John. The

Instead of  signing up for a time of praying at the church, this year many more can participate in an Easter Prayer Vigil by choosing a time away from the church building to dedicate to these requests. These requests were


One of the great things about The Advance is that it allows you to invest your resources where your passion answers specific needs in the world.   What are you passionate about? Education? Church development? Health? Disaster response and relief?

Evening Services Begin This Sunday!

Join us for worship Sunday nights at 6 pm Beginning Sunday, November 19th, we will offer Sunday Evening Services at 6 pm. Music, prayers, scripture, the message, and kid friendly. Please feel free to dress comfortably. We will transition this

Mission u Studies This Weekend!

Mission U event is this week! The theme this year is “Beloved Community”. September 22-23, at UMCC. Study leaders are Linda Haynes, presenting Living as a Covenant Community: Spiritual Growth, and Fran Lynch, presenting Missionary Conferences of the United Methodist Church in the United States. Alaska Conference is highlighted as one of the three conferences in the study. For more info, visit aumwmissionu.blogspot.com.