Thank You “Praying Pelicans”

We hosted two teams from the “Praying Pelicans Missions” organization this summer. They used our church as a “home base” from which to be engaged in the community while also doing quite a bit of work around The United Methodist

Meeting with Educators May 7th

  We’d like to figure out if our annual “School Supply Drive” is the best way to minister to our students.  Let’s be part of the discussion.

Easter Breakfast Pot Luck

We had so much fun last year, we’re doing it again. We’re having a Breakfast Pot-Luck on Easter Sunday Morning. Please bring an “easy to eat” breakfast food to share as we gather and enjoy each other’s company before worship.

Egg Hunt Easter Sunday After Worship

Join us for an Easter Egg Hunt after Easter Sunday worship on April 9th, 2023. To contribute, please bring ALREADY FILLED EASTER EGGS to worship on Easter Sunday. After an All-Church Picture we’ll task our youth with quickly hiding Easter