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Newsletter for Thursday, Feb. 23, 2023
Opportunities for the Season of Lent
We have a lot going on this Season of Lent and we’d love to have you join us. Ash Wednesday Worship (7 PM on Wednesday, Feb. 22nd) Take Home Devotional (available outside Sanctuary and in Welcome Center) “Change is Good”
Ash Wednesday Worship — 7 PM (Wed. Feb. 22nd)
Join us for worship on Wednesday, February 22nd at 7pm for a Traditional Ash Wednesday Worship with a time of confession, the reading of Psalm 51, and the imposition of ashes. If you’d like to learn a little more about
Food Drive for the “Mustang Food Pantry” at Chugiak High School
Food insecurity is defined as a household-level economic and social condition of limited or uncertain access to adequate food. In the United States upwards of 14 million households are food insecure during any particular year. It basically means that we
Coin Collecting During Lent for our Youth
During Lent, our Youth 2023 kids will be collecting coins to help fund their trip this summer. This is a large youth event in Florida with a five-day mission trip beforehand. Bring your change as you help them change. There
Looking for a Recycle For a Reason Board Member from Church
Recycle for a Reason is restructuring after 10 years of ministry. We are looking to revamp our Board of Directors and want to make sure The United Methodist Church of Chugiak is well represented. If you might like to be
Our Well is Not Working — No Water at Church
As of Thursday, January 26th the well for The United Methodist Church of Chugiak is not working. That means you cannot use sinks or toilets and we have brought in a Port-A-Potty behind the church, out the back entryway. Work
Bulletin for the First Sunday After Christmas (New Year’s Day)
You can download the bulletin HERE.
Our UMCC choir singing in worship December 18th.
Photo by Jan Glines