Category: Uncategorized
Spring Cleaning — For May 21st
It is time once again to get the church all spruced up and ready for the Summer. We have things to wash, things to pick up, things to be moved, and things to be collected. This needs to be a
Recycle For A Reason Sale — This Friday & Saturday 10-3
This Weekend We Have Our Recycle For A Reason Sale. It’s a “Name Your Own Price” Thrift Store with the goal of keeping items in the community as people move in an out. Plus, it is a great place to
Graduate Recognition Sunday May 15, 2022
We’d like to recognize our 2022 Graduates — from High School, Trade School, or College. Could you please send names to
Bring Your Mom to Church This Mother’s Day Sunday
This week is a great Sunday day to bring your mom (or the special women in your life) to church. We’ll have a special prayer for the day and there will be a special gift for moms and mother-figures —
Church Newsletter for April 21, 2022
Read about our movement away from Easter and into the Easter Season. We have some guest preachers this week. We have our Nome Mission Trip coming up. And next week is a special offering. CLICK HERE TO READ MORE
Recycle for a Reason (R4R) Sale Fri. 10-3 & Sat. 10-3 — PICS
Our Recycle For A Reason Sale is a “set your price” sale that helps our community in three ways: It provides a way for community members to declutter and donate items that are unused, don’t fit, or otherwise just need