Mothers Day — Sunday May 12th

Just a reminder that it’s Mother’s Day this weekend and we’ll have a special prayer for the mothers (and mothering figures) in our lives.

Dahlias To Support the Youth of UMCC

Theresa Moore has grown some dahlias that are ready to plant. They sell for $15-20 at flower shops.  We are asking for a donation to the youth of UMCC for the flowers.

Help with Parsonage Roof

This May we start on replacing the parsonage roof. The roof we have is 50 years old and is the original roof for the log home. It’s time. Steve Lambert is leading the charge and will be working with professionals

Easter Breakfast Potluck at 9:15 AM

Bring any of your favorite breakfast foods and we’ll have a pot-luck before our Easter worship.  The Supreme Bean will be open at this time.

Easter Sunday at UMCC

Come Come and join us as we celebrate Christ’s resurrection with shouts of “Christ is Risen!” “Christ is risen, indeed!” We will start with a BREAKFAST POTLUCK at 9:15 AM with the Supreme Bean Coffee Shop open for business. We

Maundy Thursday and Good Friday at 7 PM

We’ll be joining with our friends from Joy Lutheran Church for Holy Week worship this year.  Both Maundy Thursday and Good Friday worships will be at The United Methodist Church of Chugiak at 7 PM. All are welcome.

Palm/Passion Sunday

Join us for Palm Sunday.  We’ll celebrate Jesus’ Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem and close worship with a reading of the Passion Narrative.