Category: Uncategorized
Recycle for a Reason (R4R) Sale This Week
We have our November sale this week. Friday and Saturday from 10 AM to 3 PM.
Commitment Sunday — November 10th
This is a day to bring in your pledges/commitments for the “We’re Here For Good” Capital Campaign. We’ve had a wonderful time sharing about all of the good that has been done at The United Methodist Church of Chugiak and
All Saints Prayer for Worship on November 3, 2024
A Prayer by Steve Garnaas-Holmes I praise the Saints who have graced us: the Great Saints, Francis and Teresa and the gang; but especially the Lesser Saints, those who have humbly, perhaps unknowingly, shed light in our lives. I am
Our “Yam Wrangler,” Dave Flagg is back again, telling us that YAM SEASON is upon us. It’s time to go out and hunt some yams. We’re looking for 300 15 oz. cans of yams for the community Thanksgiving Blessing. Happy
“In Our Backyard” Presentation in Worship Oct. 20th
On Sunday, October 20th we’ll have a presentation from “In Our Backyard” during worship. Started out of Central Lutheran Church in Anchorage, this is a faith-based organization working to address the needs of unhoused neighbors in the Anchorage area.
Safe Sanctuaries Training — Nov. 3rd
After worship on November 3rd, Amy Wright will be leading a training for our Child Protection Policy (Safe Sanctuaries). This will take place after worship.
Help with Grant Writing / Energy Audit
UMCC has the opportunity to apply for a grant to improve energy usage. If you have experience with grant writing or working with an energy audit, please contact the church office (
Youth Overnight — Friday, Oct. 25
United Methodist Church of Chugiak Youth Overnight at UMCC Friday, October 25th at 7 PM to Saturday, October 26th at 10:00 AM (Optional pick-up/leave at 12 AM with Parent Permission) Youth (6th grade and up) are invited to attend an overnight
Charge Conference Thursday 6:30 PM — Information, Packet, and Zoom Link
On Thursday, October 10th at 6:30 PM, Superintendent Rev. Kristi McGuire will conduct the 2024 Charge Conference for The United Methodist Church of Chugiak. For those who may be unfamiliar, “Charge Conference” is a yearly administrative meeting of the church.
It’s that time of year…SOCKTOBER!! ‘Tis the season when we collect socks for neighbors in need and they will be distributed in the Anchorage area. Please bring NEW SOCKS to church. We have a box in the gathering area already.