Category: Uncategorized
Holy Humor Sunday — April 7, 2024
Yes, it’s “a thing!”
Egg Hunt After Worship
Join us for an Easter Egg Hunt on our main level after worship.
Easter Breakfast Potluck at 9:15 AM
Bring any of your favorite breakfast foods and we’ll have a pot-luck before our Easter worship. The Supreme Bean will be open at this time.
Easter Sunday at UMCC
Come Come and join us as we celebrate Christ’s resurrection with shouts of “Christ is Risen!” “Christ is risen, indeed!” We will start with a BREAKFAST POTLUCK at 9:15 AM with the Supreme Bean Coffee Shop open for business. We
Maundy Thursday and Good Friday at 7 PM
We’ll be joining with our friends from Joy Lutheran Church for Holy Week worship this year. Both Maundy Thursday and Good Friday worships will be at The United Methodist Church of Chugiak at 7 PM. All are welcome.
Palm/Passion Sunday
Join us for Palm Sunday. We’ll celebrate Jesus’ Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem and close worship with a reading of the Passion Narrative.
“Fix-It Saturday” — March 16th
Here’s how you can help: Come by, anytime, to help work. Bring over some goodies or snacks as a thank you to the workers Come by at 3 PM to help clean up.
Purchasing Flowers for Easter
On Easter morning, our church will be blooming with a colorful variety of potted spring flowering plants! You are invited to purchase the plants for $18 each. After the Easter morning service, you may select and take home your plant. It’s a
Set Clocks Forward 1 Hour Saturday Night
Yes, it is time for Daylight Saving again. And, whether or not we understand the reason for changing our clocks twice a year, it is what we do. So, this Saturday, March 9th, be sure to set your clocks ahead
Bring your “wandering heart” to church as Lent continues
This year we are journeying with Peter through Lent. We’ll highlight important steps in Peter’s faith and reflect on our own faith journeys. Wherever you are in your faith journey — and even if you’re unsure where you are —