“An Advent Adventure”


This Advent we’re on an “Advent Adventure,” journeying through the traditional Advent themes of Hope, Peace, Joy, & Love. Here’s what we have going on:

  • Advent Candle Lighting in Worship Each Sunday led by representatives of some of our ministries and groups.
  • Families/Households welcoming us to worship in the Welcome Center
  • Hot Coffee from our Youth at the Supreme Bean after worship
  • Family Christmas Crafts After Worship (still looking for two crafts — Contact Pastor Jim if you would like to lead a pretty simple Christmas craft)
  • Advent Worship Guide for the Home Each Week (in our bulletin)
  • New Monday Bible Study — 5:30 PM Bible Study in our Main Entrance room (near Welcome Center). Four four weeks, we’ll be studying how each Gospel approaches the Christmas Narrative. Please read Matthew 1 & 2 for Nov. 29th. (Masks required)
  • Monday ZOOM Study Continues — “Ridiculous Journey” Study at 7 PM on Zoom

So, come home to UMCC for the Advent Season as we prepare our church, our families, and our hearts for the coming King.