Baptism of the Lord Sunday — January 9, 2022


After Christmas it is a whirlwind journey as Jesus grows up and begins ministry in the world. And this week we celebrate the beginning of his ministry, with his baptism. During worship we’ll reaffirm our baptisms, remembering that we are claimed by God. Plus we’ll have an opportunity to be baptized if we have not been been baptized previously. As Christ accepts the ministry to which he is called in his baptism, it is right to publicly accept Christ’s call to be a disciple and the ministry which God has in store for us.

Some notes about worship this week:

  • If you missed last week and would like to pick a star word, this is the day to do it. Star words will be put away until the start of next year.
  • After worship you can join Pastor Jim in the Narthex (the gathering room outside of the sanctuary) to talk about Star Words and how to utilize them as a devotional practice for the year.
  • The Trustees will meet in room B2 after worship.