Recycle for a Reason

Summary of our Work

Some of Our Goals:

1. Create a place to recycle used items.
Help save the earth’s resources, the local land-fill and tax dollars
2. Reallocate community resources to those in need.
3. Help the financially challenged stretch their incomes.
4. Create a portal through which new people can be
introduced to a community of Christians.
5. Provide an opportunity for volunteer service to high school
students and those needing interaction with others.
6. Raise funds for community and world-wide missions.
7. Foster personal relationships in the area
8. Bring God’s Kingdom to our corner of Alaska


Date of Inception = January 2013 Operating for 11 Years
131 months* with 2 collection days and 2 sale days per month
*Minus 4 Januarys (we started taking that month off)
*Minus 14 months of Covid closure


220 Organizations have benefited from grants or goods.

Total given in grants = $275,578


  • Jackie Holmquist      United Methodist Church of Chugiak
  • Kay Abrams         United Methodist Church of Chugiak
  • Dee Davis           The Crossing
  • Lynn Elliot            Latter Day St. of Jesus Christ, Wasilla
  • Rhea Johnson        Baha’i
  • Nancy Bernard       St. Andrew’s Catholic Church, Eagle River
  • Meg Finkbeiner       United Methodist Church of Chugiak
  • Rev. Jim Doepken       United Methodist Church of Chugiak
  • Bonnie Bailey            United Methodist Church of Chugiak
  • Julie Doepken        Liaison from Grant Committee at UMCC

Volunteers live in Wasilla, Palmer, Eagle River, Chugiak and Anchorage. Some work with Collections only, some set-out goods for the sales and some work during the sale days. Some participate in all phases. The combination of workers vary from month to month. However, the core pack-up crew is consistent, anchored around the Weckhorst family. Likewise, the anchor for the “Sherpa” crew, is David Glines.

The Recycle Sale and Distribution/Sale occurs on the 2nd weekend of the month.




Come to our monthly distribution event for housewares, clothing, furniture, toys, and more. Take the items you need and make a donation that is fair and reasonable and fits your budget.


Lend a hand. Sort and organize donations, lay out items, staff the distribution event, help us pack and carry, or set up signs. All are welcome.

Where does the money go?

Recycle for a Reason receives a modest amount of money in donations each month. An independent group evaluates requests and makes awards quarterly. After paying expenses, they make quarterly grants to support missions both locally and world wide.

Organizations We've Helped

We don't always know who needs help.  So, we trust many knowledgeable people and organizations to help us share the goods we receive. More than 95 organizations serving the Anchorage bowl, the State of Alaska, and the world have worked with us.
Airmen's Attic. Alaska Child and Family. Alaska Native Cultural Charter School. Alaska Fine Arts Academy. Alaska SPCA. Alaska Youth Academy, JBER. Alaska Youth Advocates. Alaska Youth for Christ. Alaska’s Chihuahua Rescue. Alternative Justice System. American Diabetes Association. Anchorage Concert Chorus. Anchorage Rescue Mission. Airman’s Attic, JBER. ASD Extended School Year Special Education. AWAIC shelter. Beacon Hill House. Beans Café. Bible Baptist Church. Birchwood Elementary Classrooms. Bird TLC of Anchorage. Big Brothers, Big Sisters. Birchwood Camp. Bird TLC. Boy Scouts of America, Eagle Scout projects. Boys & Girls Club, Eagle River. Bruce Roberts Memorial Camperships. Campbell Creek Elementary classrooms. Catholic Social Services, Refugee Assistance & Immigration. Chugiak Children’s Services. Chugiak Elementary classrooms. Chugiak Elementary reading program. Chugiak High School Bio-tech. Chugiak High School business-wear closet. Chugiak High School, formal-wear closet. Chugiak-Eagle River Senior Center. Chugiak-Eagle River Senior Center Gift Shop. Chugiak-Eagle River Senior Center, Personal Care Assistant. Church of the Nations, Anchorage. Community Covenant Church. Community Health Fair. Covenant House. Cynthia Sage Lowe Benevolent Fund. Daisy Girl Scout Troop 694. Doctors Without Borders. Eagle Crest Assistant Living. Eagle River Food Pantry. Eagle River Grace Brethren, Christmas choir. Eagle River High, NJROTC. Ebenezer Stone Project. Family Promise. Fire Lake Elementary Classrooms. Fire Lake Elementary Native Youth Olympics. Fire Lake Elementary X-country ski program. First Baptist Church of Eagle River, clothes closet. First Student bus drivers. Friends of K-9s, Bethel. Habitat for Humanity Re-Store. Head Start Families. Heart to Heart Pregnancy Resource Center. Hiland Mountain Correctional Center orchestra. Home-schooled students. Homestead Elementary classrooms. Homework Club at UMCC. Kingdom Air Corps. Kings Way Ministry Center. Kool Kat Rescue. Lazy Mountain Baptist Church, Palmer. Lions Club eye glass recycling. local people in need. Love INC, Eagle River. Love INC, Anchorage. Mac Center Hockey program. Mike’s Music, Instrument rehab. Mirror Lake Middle School disaster victims. Mt. Spurr Elementary Classrooms. New Day Alaska ministry. Newborns in Need. Nome residents without coats. Nunaka Valley Elementary Music Program. P.O.W.E.R. (Peer Outreach Workers Educ. & Referral). Palmer Historical Society. Parish Nurse training. Peters Creek Christian Center. Philippine Poverty Project. Rabbit Creek Elem. shoe drive. Ravenwood Elementary Classrooms. S.A.V.E., ASD Alternative Education Program. ShelterBox International. St. John’s United Methodist Church, Guatemalan mission. The Crossing, ministry to newly freed prisoners. Threads. Tot Time at UMCC. Trail Life U.S.A. Tyson Elementary school. United Protestant Church, Palmer. Whaley Center, Anchorage.
Recognized in 2014 as an outstanding mission by the Alaska United Methodist Conference.