Our Second Nome Mission Trip of the Year

Nome Community United Methodist Church is trying to replace all of their flooring in their facility that includes the church, the parsonage, and two apartments. It’s a lot of flooring — a mix of vinyl “planks” and carpet.

In July 2022, The UMC of Chugiak led a team of 7 up to Nome and we installed approximately 1/3 of the vinyl. We led another team in mid-September 2022 and, again, installed approximately 1/3 of the vinyl. Already we have people looking at sending a team after Christmas to get the last of the vinyl put in.

Our September team had four returnees from the July team. We were joined with by three others (including two from outside of our congregation).

Nome is a great place to be. The need is apparent considering the abuse this old building has gotten from the weather. But we are really building wonderful relationships with some of the laypeople who call that church their home.

You can see some pictures of our work below.