Christmas Baskets! Gifts needed by Sunday, Dec. 17th!

We are once again working with Love INC to help four local families have a wonderful Christmas. We have four households that we’ll be shopping for; boys, girls, teenagers, kids. Adults will be taken care of separately. You can give a financial donation HERE and our Mission Elves will do the shopping for you. We also have a Sign-Up Genius for signing up for items you’d like to buy (We’ll have some help at church for those who want to sign up for a few specific items but need some assistance with the computer stuff.)

Here are your directions if you would like to go out and buy items yourself:

  1. Go to the online sign up and choose a child to buy for. You can put a note, letting other donors see what you’re getting so they don’t get the same thing. Some kids have multiple “slots” that can be filled. (We will have someone available at church to assist those who want to sign up but have trouble navigating on the computer.)
  2. Each individual has suggested gifts. These are the items that have been requested. If you wish to get something else, or something in addition to the requested item, you may.
  3. Go out and purchase your item(s) between now and Sunday, December 17th.
  4. Please, if you can, wrap your gift and attach a note saying the family number and person it’s for (e.g. “Family #1 Girl 15.” ) Then we can supplement gifts if needed.
  5. Put your gift in the basket for Family 1, 2, 3, or 4.
  6. After December 17th, our Christmas Elves will do some last-minute shopping to fill out the baskets for families. More Elves will deliver the baskets on behalf of the Missions Team for Christmas morning.

If you have questions please contact Sharolyn Baldwin via text (907-250-5671) or you may reach out to Pastor Jim (907-230-5203).