United Methodist Church of Chugiak Youth Overnight at UMCC
Friday, October 25th at 7 PM to Saturday, October 26th at 10:00 AM
(Optional pick-up/leave at 12 AM with Parent Permission)
Youth (6th grade and up) are invited to attend an overnight lock-in at The United Methodist Church of Chugiak) October 25-26, 2024. Any youth who would like to attend are welcome – as long as they have a permission slip.
The MAIN REASON for the overnight is to play “Among Us” – a game in the dark – from on Friday night.
The retreat will include: some informal lesson time, snacks, game time, an optional short movie late at night, and breakfast in the AM.
We know some youth need to get up early for jobs or sports on Saturday and that parents may just want kids home for the night. No problem. Therefore, if the parent gives permission to pick up their youth at midnight or gives permission for the youth to drive home at midnight (which is before the 1 AM curfew for those with provisional licenses) please give permission on the form.
Pastor Jim Doepken will be leading the retreat and Amy Wright will be another Chaperone. Both have been through the background check process. Pastor Jim’s phone number is 907-230-5203. His email is pastorjim@gmail.com.
What to bring: sleeping bag, pillow, toiletries. There are air mattresses for sleeping. Youth who “overnight” will be separated by gender in different areas of the church.
You are asked to bring some snacks of some sort to share.