Dear UMCC Family,
This is an exciting time in the life of our church. It is with joy and anticipation that we embark on a new journey together as a congregation with the launch of our Capital Campaign–WE’RE HERE FOR GOOD. It’s rooted in Galatians 6:9 — Let’s not get tired of doing good, because in time we’ll have a harvest if we don’t give up. (CEB)
Our mission as The United Methodist Church of Chugiak is to be “A Community of Christ: Welcoming, Nurturing, Serving” as we live our faith as disciples of Jesus Christ in our beautiful little corner of the world. We have been blessed by seventy years’ worth of strong leadership from laity and clergy. We’ve done a lot.
Over 25 years ago our church made a major expansion of facilities to grow our ministries. We’ve seen it bear much fruit. The hundreds of people in and out our space for worship, education, services, and recreation are evidence of the good work our space has made possible. However, mortgage payments have also affected ministry for 25 years. It has meant dreaming a little smaller with our ministry ideas. It has meant that maintenance was deferred. And, when the 2018 earthquake hit, we didn’t have reserves on hand to fix damage and needed another loan. Presently over $50,000 a year is spent paying down our debt.
It’s time to free ourselves from this financial burden and commit ourselves to a future of doing good. This campaign will allow us to maximize the ministry potential of our physical plant. We’ll be able to dream bigger once again, being open to all that God may have in store for us…so we can keep on DOING GOOD…FOR GOOD.
The decision to embark on a capital campaign is not one we take lightly. It requires prayerful discernment, thoughtful planning, and wholehearted commitment from the entirety of our congregation…including those who once called our church home and have moved. As Galatians says, we will not get tired of doing good and we believe we will have a harvest if we don’t give up.
Please read over the online or print materials, pray about this, and see if you can give a gift beyond your usual tithes and offerings. Together we can do the good work of the church today and well into the future.
Pastor Jim Doepken