At The United Methodist Church of Chugiak, we understand that people give in different ways. There’s not ONE way to give. Therefore, we want you to know the several different ways you can choose to give to this campaign.
- Set up recurring gifts with a credit card, debit card, or ACH (bank to bank) through our online giving portal on our website HERE.
- Give with a check in the mail or in the offering plate with your envelope marked “Capital Campaign.” Our mailing address is: UMC Chugiak, PO Box 670421 Chugiak, AK 99567.
- Contact your financial advisor to request a stock transfer or Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD). If you have questions or concerns reach out to our office at
- Make a matching donation to encourage others to join. Contact our church office at
- You may even have an in-kind (non-monetary) donation that you’d like to donate.
- You may have a recommendation for a grant (particularly for our parsonage roof and heating system). Let our church office know.