Author: umcchugiak
School Supply Collection, and a Blessing of the Backpacks!
School’s starting, and UMCC is taking up a collection of school supplies to help out our local schools. There will be a collection box by the front door on Sunday August 22nd and 29th. Bring in any of the following:
Welcome the Doepken Family with a “Pounding”
As the Doepkens move into the parsonage, help get them started with essentials for their pantry and household. The traditional “pounding” referred to a pound of non-perishable staples such as flour, sugar, coffee, as well as cleaning supplies and home
Get a Head Start on Book Study Reading!
The Adult Book Club Sunday School have chosen their books for the next Sunday School year. Please consider joining our fun, laid back, discussion based class next year. The below books are what we will be reading, with the top
Goodbye Service for the Halls
Sunday May 23rd will not only be our first Sunday back in the sanctuary together but it will also be our official good bye Sunday to Pastor David and the whole Hall family. Although the Halls are not leaving the
The Lamp of Safety – thoughts about its continuation.
With the start of the war in Afghanistan and Iraq, in an effort to support all those in conflict, the church started lighting a lamp at the beginning of every worship service to remember them in prayer. We have now
Nursery Care Attendant Position Opening
Our church has been blessed by the constant loving presence of Kim U. in our church nursery. Over the past few years many members of the congregation have faithfully volunteered to be our second person in the nursery on Sunday
From the Trustees
As we return to the building, move into summer and receive a new pastor for the church, here are areas the Trustees need some help: GROUNDSKEEPER (SUMMER ONLY) Mow the lawns weekly or as needed, fertilize, trim around trees and
Registration for 2021 Birchwood Summer Camp is Now Open!
CREATION SPEAKS! ARE WE LISTENING? In the beginning, God created. God is still creating now. What do God and Creation have to teach us about how to live today? Creation Speaks invites us to look to God’s Creation, including each
Maundy Thursday Order of Worship
Maundy Thursday Color: Purple (symbolizing Penitence) The United Methodist Church of Chugiak Pastor: Rev. Steve Lambert 7:00 pm Drive-In Service April 1, 2021 Please tune your radio to 107.9 FM to hear the service broadcast. Welcome and Announcements Call to
Can Recycling Program Discontinued
For many years, UMCC has collected aluminum cans for recycling to benefit our church education fund. Sandy and Gary D have generously and faithfully seen to the cans, taking them to be recycled, and using the funds to purchase educational