Advent Worship Guide for Home

This year, for Advent, we are exploring the themes of Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love. And to help us, we have an Advent Worship Guide For the Home. This resource gives you a small Sunday service to have in your

“An Advent Adventure”

ADVENT BEGINS NOV. 28. This Advent we’re on an “Advent Adventure,” journeying through the traditional Advent themes of Hope, Peace, Joy, & Love. Here’s what we have going on: Advent Candle Lighting in Worship Each Sunday led by representatives of

2021 Narrative Budget

While regular budgets have “line items” and rows and rows of numbers, a NARRATIVE BUDGET tries to show how the budget does the work of the church. It moves from line items to areas of ministry to show how your

Financial Planning Worksheet

The “Defying Gravity” series examines the generous life, what it is, and why it can be so hard to experience. Many of us want to experience the significance of blessing others but feel trapped by past decisions and a society

Welcome the Doepken Family with a “Pounding”

As the Doepkens move into the parsonage, help get them started with essentials for their pantry and household.  The traditional “pounding” referred to a pound of non-perishable staples such as flour, sugar, coffee, as well as cleaning supplies and home

Goodbye Service for the Halls

Sunday May 23rd will not only be our first Sunday back in the sanctuary together but it will also be our official good bye Sunday to Pastor David and the whole Hall family. Although the Halls are not leaving the