Supporting Newborns in Need

Thank you to Jan Wachsmuth for leading some our our church folk in a “Baby Sock Rolling Marathon” after church to support the good work of Newborns in Need. This organization does good work to help newborns and and at-risk

Transfiguration Sunday — March 2nd

March 2nd is Transfiguration Sunday, the last Sunday before Lent. Join us for worship that day to hear about Christ on the mountaintop. Here is the Luke passage for the Sunday… from the Common English Bible. About eight days after

Undie Sunday — February 23rd

This coming Sunday we have UNDIE SUNDAY. It’s a day to bring in new undergarments for those in need in our community. Our United Women in Faith group is planning to follow this Sunday with a MARDI BRAS CELEBRATION the

Disaster Response Zoom — Thursday, Feb. 13

This is a Conference-wide Zoom to get a glimpse of what people will be learning during the Winter Learning Event the following week, where participants will receive a full day of training called Connecting Neighbors. The webinar will begin at