Category: Uncategorized
Join Us For Christmas Eve Worship
We will have two services on Christmas Eve. At 5:30 PM we will have a family-friendly service with a “Paper Bag Pageant” and childcare will be available. At 8 PM we’ll have a traditional “Lessons and Carols” worship service. Our
Christmas Open House at The Parsonage — Dec. 15th after worship
Join the parsonage family for cookies and goodies after worship on Dec. 15th.
“Blue Christmas” Worship on Sunday, Dec. 15th at 7 PM
The Christmas season is not always a joyful one for everybody. At this time we may be dealing with grief, pain, or loneliness and would just like a space to recognize that and share with others. Join us at 7
Trustee & Finance Meeting After Worship Dec. 8
We’ll meet in B2 after worship on Sunday, Dec. 8th.
Resources for Experiencing a Holy Advent
Advent is a season of endings and beginnings. As the calendar year comes to a close, a new church year begins. Christ’s birth ushers us into new ways of living and loving; and yet, the world as we know it
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving from the people of The United Methodist Church of Chugiak.
Birchwood Camp Family Fun Day — Dec. 7
It’s a day for “Family Holiday Fun at Birchwood Camp.” There will be cookie decorating, ice skating, & ornament making. RSVP 907-931-0849. Please bring your own ice skates and sleds if you are able.
Advent Begins Dec. 1st / Community Service that Evening
It’s mid-November, which means that Advent is coming. On December 1st we begin our journey to Christmas, through this season of expectation. We’ll have a new worship theme with art and poetry. We’ll sing some of the rich songs of
Thanksgiving Sunday Worship — November 24th
It will be a time to give thanks to God, to sing songs of Thanksgiving, and to lift up all those things that we are thankful for.
Alternative Gift Market Nov. 17th
Join us after worship for our “Alternative Gift Market.” This is an opportunity to give to some non-profits and fair trade organizations this Christmas. It’s a way to give gifts that help others. Soup will be provided.