#GivingTuesday is TODAY!
One of the great things about The Advance is that it allows you to invest your resources where your passion answers specific needs in the world.
What are you passionate about? Education? Church development? Health? Disaster response and relief? Economic development? Clean water and sanitation?
Are you passionate about a particular area of the world (Asia, Africa, North America, etc.) or a particular area of impact?
Wherever your passion lies, The Advance can connect you with missionaries and projects that you can support.
At UMCmission.org/give, you can search for UMC-related projects and missionaries that align with your passion. When you specify a destination for your gifts, that's exactly where every dollar goes; not one dollar of your gift goes to overhead.
Search Advance projects
Alaska missionaries and projects
- Evelyn Erbele - 10832Z
- W. Terence Erbele - 10831Z
- Alaska Churches - 931027
- Birchwood Camp - 931068
- Downtown Ministries, First United Methodist Church Ketchikan - 3020487
- Girdwood Chapel UMC - 931007
- Unalaska UMC Outreach & Community Ministry - 931855
- Willow UMC - 931511
- Willow Church & Community Ministry - 931520