Here is our August 25th Newsletter

Click HERE to read about the close of our Summer Worship Series, Wednesday Work & Wieners, a Welcome Back Breakfast, Fall Programing, and Recycle for a Reason.

Back to School Sunday — Aug. 14, 2022

While we may still be in our “Fruit of the Spirit” series (talking about faithfulness this week) we are having a “Back to School Sunday” at The United Methodist Church of Chugiak. First off, when you enter at The Welcome

Annual Conference Recap

Our Conference Secretary (Nico Reijns) and Conference Communicator (Jim Doepken) have collaborated and put together the 2022 Alaska Annual Conference Report. It is a recap of the key actions that took place. DOWNLOAD THE REPORT HERE The Following is the

Look at All the Work Being Done At Church

Thank you to the work team from Praying Pelican Missions. There is still one more day of work but SO MUCH has already been accomplished: Cleared brush around “the viewing area” Removed invasive trees Cleaned up around church building Tore

Join us on Facebook Live at 10:15 AM Sunday

Our technician is away for the next two weeks and a new tech will be joining us. We’ll be on Facebook Live the next couple of weeks. Join us HERE ON THE UMCC FACEBOOK PAGE.