Author: umcchugiak
Where is God in Grief and Loss?
The first Sunday of Lent, February 21, we will have a guest preacher, Rev. Nathan Rogers. For the past nine years Nathan has served as the Bereavement chaplain at Providence Home Health Services and Hospice. He is a colleague and
Water Needs at Forest Park
Overview of current water situation with our neighbors at Forest Park: A worker and his son have tapped into the main incoming underground pipe but won’t be able to bury the connecting pipes until spring. In the meantime, an above-ground
It is the intention of Bishop Elaine Stanovsky and Superintendent Carlo Rapanut to appoint Rev. Steve Lambert to serve as pastor of UMC of Chugiak, half-time, for the period February 1 – June 30, 2021. It is also the intention
Come Join Us This Christmas Eve!
“The true light that shines on all people was coming into the world…” John 1:9 My friends, The season of Advent is coming to an end and the season of Christmas is breaking upon us. A great light is visible
CCS Christmas Giving is Back!
The holiday season is upon us and (like almost everything else) this year’s sign up for Christmas baskets for the Chugiak Children’s Services (CCS) families is going virtual. The Elks Club has kindly stepped in to manage the food
R4R Closed for the Winter
Recycle for a Reason, a mission of the United Methodist Church of Chugiak, is discontinuing operation for the winter. We are very sad to have to suspend this service to our community after eight years. We will miss seeing all
A Letter From the Pastor
“Rejoice always. Pray continually. Give thanks in every situation because This is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. Don’t suppress the Spirit-inspired Messages, but examine everything carefully and hang on to what is good.” -1 Thessalonians 5: 16-21 (CEB)
Yammin’ it Up for Thanksgiving!
This year UMCC has again been challenged to contribute 300 cans of yams for the Great Thanksgiving Blessing project. In previous years, we’ve asked for cans to be donated at the church, but this year we need to do things
New Bible Study Beginning Tuesday, Oct. 20th
This month we are beginning a new discussion on the book, “Something Needs to Change” by author David Platt. In a time of what seems to be chaos and discord, we should remember the fundamental elements that a relationship with
Letter From the Pastor
“Because God bends down to listen, I will pray as long as I have breath.” -Psalm 116:2 The above verse is displayed on the new prayer wall in our church’s hallway. When the verse was shared with me from the